Saturday, 21 September 2024
Dr. Iraj Eskandari
Born 1956, Tehran
PHD Student, Art Studies, University of Arts – 2005
MA, Art Studies, University of Arts, Iran – 1995
BA, Painting, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Iran – 1978
- Director, Painting Group, University of Arts – Al Zahra University/ 1985 – 1993
- Head of Painting Unit of the Arts Department of the Islamic Development Organization / 1986 – 1988
- Head of Visual Arts Unit of the Arts Department of the Islamic Development Organization / 1990 – 1993
- Director, BA degree’s Painting Group – University of Arts / 1993 – 1998
- Director of the Masters degree’s Painting Groups – University of Arts / 1996 – 1998
- Dean, Faculty of Visual and Applied Arts, University of Arts / 1997 – 1998
- Dean of the Karaj Campus and the Vice Dean of the University of Arts / 1998 – 2000
- Dean of the Faculty of Visual As, University of Arts / 1998 – 2009
- Organization of over 15 solo exhibitions and participation in numerous domestic and international group exhibitions
- Permanent Member of the Association of Iranian Painters / 1999
- Associate Member, Art Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran / 2000 – 2002
- Member, Art Council, Visual Arts Center, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance / 1985
- Member, Policy Council, 5th and 6th Contemporary Iranian Painting Biennials
- Member, Policy Council for Monitoring the construction and execution of national statues and memorial artifacts / 1998 – 2000
- Member, Murals Council, Tehran Municipality / 2001 – 2006
- Member, Selection Committee, 1st, 3rd and 5th Contemporary Iranian Painting Biennials
- Member of Jury, 2nd Contemporary Iranian Painting Biennials/ 1993
- Secretary, 1st Islamic World International Painting Biennial / 2000
- Secretary, 2nd and 3rd Contemporary Iranian Painting Biennials/ 1993
- Secretary, Festival of African Visual Arts / 2007
- License Holder and Head of the Torbaghan Visual Arts Institute
- Compilation of Book of Iraj Eskandari Works
- Design and execution of a number of murals and urban landscapes including the Bas-relief in Enghelab Square, the Script of the
  Mosque of the Martyrs of the Oil Industry, the "Idea" stone statue (Beirut), the "Mother" mural (Vali Asr Leisure Center), the Oil
  Industry Martyrs' Memorial Tower, etc